EHD en microsistemas

Flujos EHD e inestabilidades en líquidos poco conductores:

Numerical modelling of finite-amplitude electro-thermo-convection in a dielectric liquid layer subjected to both unipolar injection and temperature gradient.

Autores: PH. Traoré, A.T. Pérez, D. Koukova and H. Romat

Role of charge diffusion in finite-amplitude electroconvection.

Autores: Pérez, AT; Castellanos, A.

Ruptura controlada de chorros. (Personas de contacto:

Experiments on dielectric liquid bridges subjected to axial electric-fields.

Autores: Ramos, A; González, H; Castellanos, A.

Normal-mode linear analysis and initial conditions of capillary jets.

Autores: Garcia, F. J.; Gonzalez, H.

Stabilization of dielectric liquid bridges by electric-fields in the abscence og gravity.

Autores: González, H; Mccluskey, FMJ; Castellanos, A; et ál...

EHD en Microfluídica:

AC electric-field-induced fluid flow in microelectrodes.

Autores: Ramos, A; Morgan, H; Green, NG; Castellanos, A et ál.

Ac electrokinetics: a review of forces in microelectrode structures.

Autores: Ramos, A; Morgan, H; Green, NG; Castellanos, A; et ál.

Electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis in microsystems: scaling laws.

Autores: Castellanos, A; Ramos, A; Gonzalez, A; et ál.

Fluid flow induced by nonuniform ac electric fields in electrolytes on microelectrodes. I. Experimental measurements.

Autores: N. G. Green, A. Ramos, A. González, H. Morgan and A. Castellanos.

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