OBITUARY: Prof. Dr. Manuel Horno Montijano

Prof. Horno (M) died on September 9th 1998. He was born in Torre del Campo (Jaén, Spain). He obtained the "Licenciado en Física" (M.Sc.) and Doctor en Física (Ph.D.) degrees in 1969 and 1972 respectively, both from the University of Seville, Seville (Spain). In 1975 he became Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Electromagnetism of the University of Seville, and in 1986 he was promoted to Full Professor of Electromagnetism in the same Department. After a first research stage devoted to analog electronics, Prof. Horno focused his research and teaching activities on applied electromagnetism, acting as a pioneer in this field at the University of Seville. He was the founder and leader of the Microwave Research Group of the aforementioned University at the beginning of eighties. This group is currently active in the area of applied electromagnetism and it is composed of thirteen full-time Ph.D. researchers and three Ph.D. Students. Prof. Horno also left as heritage to his coworkers a well equipped microwave laboratory.

Most of Prof. Horno research activities were related to the solution of electromagnetic problems arising from the analysis of planar transmission lines, planar microwave circuits and antennas. He put special emphasis on analyzing planar multilayered structures including complex materials. Aside from that, he contributed to the design of novel passive planar microwave components. Along the last two decades Prof. Horno published on these fields 84 papers in IEEE journals, IEE journals and some other periodicals. It is worth mentioning that, almost ten years after his death, he is still one of the European researchers with a largest number of papers published in the reference journal of the microwaves field (IEEE Transactions on Microwaves Theory and Techniques). Also, he authored or co-authored more than 120 papers in local and international symposia. He was included in the "Highly Cited Scientists List" of ISI Thomsom (Essential Science Indicators Data Base). All this scientific production deserves particular recognition because since 1986 Prof. Horno had been suffering from a very severe illness which was responsible for his early death at the age of 51. A revealing detail of his enthusiastic temper and vitalism is the fact that most of his publications were produced during his illness period. Prof. Horno was member of IEEE (for 23 years), member of the Electromagnetism Academy of the M.I.T. and an active contributor to the Spanish URSI chapter activities.

Prof. Horno was an excellent, recognized and awarded teacher. He used to create an atmosphere of friendliness and cordiality with his undergraduate and graduate students, thus favoring the learning process. He enjoyed illustrating their classes with examples of practical situations which helped the students to assimilate a difficult topic such as Electromagnetism. In fact, he knew how to transmit to his students (more than two thousands all along his life) his scientific curiosity and enthusiasm.

His wife, Laura, and his daughters Laura, Patricia and Rosa survive him.