Título: Discrete solitons in optical BEC lattices. Effects of n-body interactions

Autor: J Cuevas (pdf poster 262 Kb)
with PG Kevrekidis, NI Karachalios, TRO Melvin, AR Champneys and JC Eilbeck

Abstract: In this poster we show some recent results concerning discrete solitons in strong optical lattices, which can be described by the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger equation. These results are related to a variation of this equation including saturable nonlinearity terms, a feature throughoutly studied in nonlinear optics. After presenting the derivation of the DNLS equation from the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the presence of a strong optical lattice, we study the existence of thresholds in the quadratic norm of discrete solitons in the cubic DNLS, cubic-quintic DNLS and photorefractive-DNLS. The second part of the poster is devoted to moving discrete solitons in the photorefractive DNLS equation. In the one hand, we study the existence of radiationless moving discrete solitons; on the other hand, we study the collisions of moving discrete solitons.

Soliquantum 2006 Cuenca, 27-30 de Septiembre de 2006