Title: Interaction of moving breathers with vacancies.

Authors: J Cuevas, JFR Archilla, B Sánchez-Rey and FR Romero
(Poster jpg 1 Mb, proceedings)

Abstract: In this paper a Frenkel–Kontorova model with a nonlinear interaction potential is used to describe a vacancy defect in a crystal. According to recent numerical results [Phys. Lett. A 315 (2003) 364–371] the vacancy can migrate when it interacts with a moving breather. We study the interaction of moving breathers with a vacancy. We show that vacancy mobility is strongly correlated with the existence and stability properties of the vacancy breathers and their bifurcations.

Nonlinear Physics: Condensed Matter, Dynamical Systems and Biophysics
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris-V, France, May 30-31, 2005.

Poceedings published in: Physica D 216(1):115–120, March 13, 2006, doi:10.1016/j.physd.2005.12.022