Title: Breathers in curved chains with long--range interaction

Speaker: JFR Archilla (slides:  pdf color1.1 Mb).
With Yu B Gaididei, PL Christiansen and SF Mingaleev

Abstract: We consider simple models for DNA with long-range, dipole-dipole coupling, and curvature, where we analyze the existence and stability of breathers. Two different models are proposed:

  1. Soft on-site potential and attractive coupling: The curvature leads to the swithching of the central breather to the adjacent position.
  2. Hard on-site potential and repulsive coupling: The curvature leads to inverse symmetry breaking bifurcations, which transform to a soft transition for high coupling.
In both models, the energy tends to accumulate at the bending point.

EU-US Workshop on Discrete Breathers and Intrinsic Localised Modes.
Heraklion, Greece. June 2001. Talk by JFR Archilla.