Molecular Modelling of Nucleic Acids: How Quantum Chemistry Might Help?
Eugen Starikov

Abstract: (Poster 26 Kb, Slides 1.1 Mb)

The following aspects of theoretical chemical physics of nucleic acids are discussed:

  1. Frontier orbitals in DNA
  2. Nature of electronic excited states in DNA 3
  3. Nature of disorder in DNA
  4. Electron-phonon coupling in DNA
  5. Electron correlations in DNA
  6. DNA doping
The talk will try to clarify the role of quantum-chemical investigations in tackling the above 6 topics.

Seminar in Sevilla. April 2, 2005.

Dr Starikov
Dr. Starikov, from Ukraine, currently at the Institut for Theoretic Solid State Physics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, has been working in the above and related topics with leading scientists as Wolfram Saenger, Hans Lehrach, director of the German branch of the Human Genome Project, Max F. Perutz, Nobel Prize Laureate, and his colleague Alan Windle.

Organizer: Juan FR Archilla, Group of Nonlinear Physics (GFNL)