Interlaced solitons and vortices in coupled DNLS lattices.

J Cuevas, QE Hoq, H Susanto and PG Kevrekidis (pdf copy 2.4 Mb.)


In the present work, we propose a new set of coherent structures that arise in nonlinear dynamical lattices with more than one component, namely interlaced solitons. In the anti-continuum limit of uncoupled sites, these are waveforms whose one component has support where the other component does not. We illustrate systematically how one can combine dynamically stable unary patterns to create stable ones for the binary case of two-components. For the one-dimensional setting, we provide a detailed theoretical analysis of the existence and stability of these waveforms, while in higher dimensions, where such analytical computations are far more involved, we resort to corresponding numerical computations. Lastly, we perform direct numerical simulations to showcase how these structures break up, when they are exponentially or oscillatorily unstable, to structures with a smaller number of participating sites.

Physica D 238: 2216-2226 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.physd.2009.09.002 .