Nonlinear Double Day 2004. Extension
Macroscopic effects of anharmonic excitations

Organized by GFNL, the Group of Nonlinear Physics of the University of Sevilla
With the collaboration of the Department of Applied Physics

Heat transport in low dimensional systems

Speaker: Roberto Livi, Dipartimento de Fisica, University of Florence, Italy

June 3, 2004

Part I: Generalities and basic models: 10.15-11.15 h

Part II: Recent achievements (including an illustration of analytic methods): 11.45-12.45 h

Location: Department of Applied Physics I  at ETSI Informática . Avda Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012-Sevilla, Spain

Abstract (poster):
Heat transport il low-dimensional systems may exhibit anomalous behaviors, depeding on the nature of the interaction. Moreover, disorder and anharmonicity may yield different scenarios. We survey this problem in various 1-d and 2-d models: numerics and analytic approaches allow to obtain a consistent view of the problem.

Organizer: Juan FR Archilla